Microsoft Japan Office 31st Floor, Seminar Room A
Shinagawa Grand Central Tower 2-16-3, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Registration is closed
Do you know Dynamics CRM?
We started up Japan Dynamics User Group for those who's thinking:
"I'm interested but I don't know what it is..." or "I've started using it but want to know more!"
Our first event is from the basics on "What is CRM" and "What can Dynamics CRM do?"
Date/Time: Wednesday August 24 2016 19:45 Opening, 20:00 start
Place: Microsoft Japan Office 31st Floor, Seminar Room A
Twitter hashtag: #JDUC
Main theme of session this month is "CRM for beginners".
It will be based on a theme about the things which you probably don't know about.
The main topics are about "What is CRM, why we need it, and how Dynamics CRM is related to it."
Speaker: Masahiro Suzuki (MVP Business Solutions for two consecutive years)
This session is for those who is planning on using Dynamics CRM for sales management.
Speaker: Taiki Yoshida
19:45 Doors open
20:00 Opening talk about what JDUG is
20:10 Session 1
20:40 Break
20:50 Session 2
21:20 Q&A
21:30 Doors close
Food & Drinks afterwards if requested
This is a Dynamics User Group for people in Japan. The purpose is to share, learn and apply various information from Microsoft Dynamics. **If you are considering to use Dynamics, a developer, an en...
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